iowa watercolor society
Annual Exhibition
2024 Iowa Watercolor Society 47th Annual Juried Exhibition
All registration entries must be compliant with the following Prospectus information.
The Registration Entry Form link is located at the end of the Prospectus.
The 2024 Iowa Watercolor Society's 47th Annual Juried Exhibition runs from August 4 through
September 15, 2024.
La Poste
1219 Warford Street
Perry, IA 50220
Important Dates:
04/29/2024 Online registration opens.
06/11/2024 Online registration closes.
07/01/2024 Accept/decline notifications emailed to artists.
08/02/2024 Shipped artwork deadline (see address below).
08/04/2024: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. - Artwork drop off at La Poste, Exhibition opens!
09/15/2024: Annual meeting, luncheon, awards presentation, and demonstration.
09/15/2024: Exhibition closes, artwork pick up for both 2023 Traveling Show and works not
selected for the 2024 Traveling Show.
Review all Requirements Carefully
1. IWS Member Only (visit iowawatercolorsociety.org to become a member).
2. ORIGINAL ARTWORK ONLY: No supervision, no class work, no copies of other artists’ work, and no work from photographs not created by the artist.
3. Paintings must have been completed within the last two years and not previously exhibited in an IWS show.
Watercolor Soluble Pigments and Media: watercolor, gouache, egg tempera, casein and watercolor pencils.
Only removable resists.
Pencil used for preliminary sketching only-not used for shading of any kind.
Papers and Supports: watercolor paper, yupo, and similar synthetic papers, illustration board, rice paper, canvas paper, and board (note: all art must be framed according to stated rules).
1. No water-soluble pastel, charcoal, ink, graphite, acrylic or oil paints.
2. No gallery wrapped or stretched canvas, clayboard, Tyvek, metal or glass.
3. No collage.
HOW TO ENTER: Entry forms and photos of paintings (images) must be submitted on-line.
1. Each artist may submit 1 or 2 paintings for a $20.00 entry fee.
2. The photograph of your artwork must be of the unframed, unmatted image. Use filtered natural light, as flash may be too harsh.
3. The painting’s photo orientation must be correct - i.e., the top of the painting must be up when the image is opened (not upside down or laying on its side).
4. Make sure your image is at it’s best. Your image will be used for initial jurying, and for publicity throughout the following year.
5. Images of your artwork MUST be within the range of 1.5 MB (new minimum) to 20 MB (maximum)! IF YOUR IMAGE FILE NEEDS RESIZING ASSISTANCE - SEND AN EMAIL REQUESTING SUPPORT TO: iwsexhibit@gmail.com.
6. File must be in .jpg format (no other formats will be accepted).
7. File(s) submitted on the Annual Exhibit entry form must conform to the following IWS naming convention: Title.jpg. Prior to submission, rename file, if necessary, in preparation for uploading the file image to IWS. Example - If painting title is Walk In The Park before uploading your file - file name must already be named as: WalkInThePark.jpg
8. After your painting images are uploaded, the 'Success' screen should appear with a "Your form has been successfully submitted. Thank you for your time." message. A link is provided to print a receipt (optional) with all painting upload(s) details.
Image files not conforming to the IWS naming convention will not be submitted for consideration. For any questions, please email the IWS Exhibition Chair at iwsexhibit@gmail.com
There is a $20.00 entry fee for either 1 or 2 paintings submitted. This fee helps IWS offset our juried exhibition expenses. Members are encouraged to submit two paintings for the annual exhibition.
The following requirements must be met for all accepted artwork to be exhibited.
1. Mat board must only be White or Off-White.
2. Thin color liner is acceptable.
3. Maximum frame size not to exceed 46” x 33.”
4. A sturdy wire hanger must be attached to the back of the frame and art must be ready to hang.
5. Paintings must be protected by non-breakable acrylic (i.e. plexiglas). Glass is not acceptable.
In Person - Paintings may be delivered in person on 08/04/2024 from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. to La Poste, 1219 Warford Street, Perry, IA 50220.
Shipped – Paintings may be shipped to be received by 08/02/2024 to:
Linda Schanus
Attn: IWS 47th Annual Juried Exhibition
1705 NE Sherman Ct.
Ankeny, IA 50021
Prior to shipping, be certain to attach a label to the back of your painting(s) listing: title, price (or NFS), artist name, address, phone and email. Also, send an email to iowawatercolorsociety@gmail.com and let us know you are shipping your art.
Cash, gift certificates, and additional awards. Award jurying will be from actual paintings. The Juror will select both cash and honorable mention awards. The judge’s decisions are final.
To qualify for the Transparent Watercolor Award the painting must display the qualities of the definition of transparent: No white paint is accepted. The whites are the paper left unpainted. Please reference the definition of transparent watercolor below for this award
The definition of 'transparent' from the Webster’s Dictionary: “having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly.” It is the white of the paper and the application of the layers of paint that produce transparency in watercolor paintings. All watercolor pigments applied in a transparent manner allow light to penetrate the layers of glazes and reflect light back through the pigments from the paper below. Use of cadmiums and others opaque pigments are acceptable when they are applied in a transparent manner.
All Transparent Watercolor Award paintings must be on watercolor paper. No Yupo, rice paper, or canvas allowed.
Signified by IWS, is awarded after acceptance into an IWS Annual Exhibition three times.
All sales will be handled by the artist. LaPoste, Inc. or the Iowa Watercolor Society will not take any commissions from the sale. Paintings are to be sold at the price stated by the artist on the entry form. If not for sale, check NFS on the entry. Traveling show sales are handled by the artist and the paintings sold must continue in the traveling show until the conclusion of the final exhibition of the traveling show.
Paintings are not insured by LaPoste, Inc. or the Iowa Watercolor Society. It is at the discretion of the artist to provide their own insurance.
No substitutions are permitted after the selections have been made by the judge. Iowa Watercolor Society will assume the privilege of photographing, using any submission photos of paintings, or paintings entered in the exhibition for the purpose of publicity or reproduction in the exhibition catalog, the IWS website, the IWS Facebook page or other IWS social media pages.