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Part of the Iowa Watercolor Society's mission is to support and encourage the advancement of water-based media, and to foster the appreciation and interest of both the artist and the viewing public. In support of this mission, the Iowa Watercolor Society sponsors events through out the year.
Click on each of the drop-downs under the “Events” tab for specific dates
and locations.
Annual Juried Exhibition:
For this annual competition, the paintings are judged by a nationally
known artist. The judge picks a group of paintings from the entries for
the Annual Exhibition. From group of paintings in the Annual Exhibition
the judge chooses the award winners and the Annual Traveling Show.
Annual Traveling Show:
These paintings are a selection of the best paintings from the Annual Exhibition plus award-winning paintings from the Annual Exhibition.
The paintings travel to venues all around Iowa for the next year.
Members Show Online Auction:
The Members Show is a virtual gallery of IWS participating members' artwork being made available for sale via an online silent auction. The artists may employ a variety of materials, papers, and techniques. Members not only showcase and share their creative endeavors, they also have an opportunity for a limited time to sell their art via an internationally available venue.
Miniature shows:
This is an opportunity for members to showcase their creativity and
try new techniques and watercolor products.
The workshops are a chance for artists to spend several days studying
with a nationally known artist right here in Iowa. It is a great opportunity
for artists to learn and grow. The workshops are great for beginners and more experienced painters. The workshops are open to members and
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